Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Scorcher!

Venue: Torch Club.

Cover: $5

Decor: Dingy and divey.  Sucidal clowns frown from the walls.

Crowd: Severely eclectic; cougars, exceptionally good looking young couples, bikers, gentleman of leisure, nerds, over-the-hill divorcees, college kids, lesbians, everyone else, and a train conductor.

Entertainment: Amazing live band. A bass, drums, guitar and 80's fashion keyboard offering pre-made beats and electronica key tones.  One fabulous cover of Jay Z's Give It To Me/Just Wanna Love You.

Activity: Imagine this crazy, fun-loving crowd dancing together (?)

Drinks: Mediocre to decent.

Surprise Guests: King Kong and Count Dracula

 Overall Satisfaction: High to Very High